To build a strong business, you need to find six leaders who will choose to join you. This is what the company asks us to do. Just look at the compensation plan.
What is a leader? A leader is someone who will take the initiative to duplicate your efforts. They will follow this program to the letter. Not everyone will be a leader.
Who will my leaders be? That is for them to decide. Your job is to share the business and the plan with the people that you would like to work with.
How do I find my leaders? We will teach you how to make the contact and provide the information. They will make the decision for themselves. The company rewards us when people are helped by our products. The second part of the plan is for you to sell 500 points of products each and every month.
Who sells the products? Everyone has people close to them that need what we have. By helping those closest to us, we will all sell some product.
Why 500 points? The target of selling 500 points of products each month is easily achievable. It will also allow for rank advancement in the compensation plan.
How do I do this? Many choose to use the Autoship program to make the task easier. We have the tools and training!
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